By Peter Akpah.

The member representing Abi Yakurr Federal Constituency in Cross River State and Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Specialty Health Care, Hon. Alex Egbona has urged the Provost, Federal College of Medical Laboratory Science Technology (FCMLST) Jos, Prof. Sunday Etukudoh to seek support from the Executive Governor of Plateau State, Barr Caleb Mutfwang on road project leading to the College.

The Committee Chairman said this during an oversight function to the College at Lamingo Jos. Having taken on a tour of inspection of projects and facilities of the College,  Hon. Egbona expressed delight and high satisfaction saying, “having gone round on tour of projects and facilities, we are impressed with what we saw, most especially the Monocular and the basic science Laboratories respectively and give a good score to the provost, Prof. Etukudoh for his performance despite certain challenges which include poor funding to the College”.

Consequently, the Committee Chairman advised the Provost to liaise with the Plateau state government to assist the College in  constructing the road leading to the college (which is less than one kilometer) just the way the state government assisted  the National Orthopedic Hospital at old JUTH.

According to him, “Plateau state is the major beneficiary of the college because it is domiciled here. The state government should therefore, see the need to assist the Provost in constructing the road”, Hon. Egbona said.

Prof. Etukudoh had earlier briefed the Committee on the efforts the College has made over the years toward constructing the road but all the efforts always end at the level grading every year, only to be destroy by the rains due to paucity of funds. 

As part of its oversight function, the Committee measured the actual implementation of the 2023 Appropriations Act as approved by the National Assembly to the College and the Provost and his  Management team presented to the Committee detailed analysis of capital projects implementation and overhead releases, IGR (fees collected) and related expenditures within the period; Staff Nominal Roll, staff to student’s ratio among other things.

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