TWCLMI Award Dr Aniyi Williams CEO Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited For Outstanding Leadership In Sport Development.

By Sourcenews24.

Dr Aniyi Williams Olarewaju the CEO Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited Displaying His Award.

Dr Aniyi Williams Olarewaju the CEO Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited has been awarded with an outstanding leadership award in recognition of his contribution to sport development, the award which was presented to him by TWCLMI Change Makers Impact award, the achievements of Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited is very significant and worthy of recognition according to the organizers, Dr Williams has done tremendously well in sport development and has discovered so many talents and are now playing both home and abroad.

Nansel Selbon Tali signed a new contract with Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited.

One of the beneficiary of Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited  Nansel Selbon Tali former youth under -17 player who have played in USA, Croatia, Israel and Egypt and has also extended his contract with Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited, praised the sport developer Dr Aniyi Williams for the support and impactful role he has played in his life and other young talents in plateau state and Nigeria as a whole,  Selbon said  Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited has make him realize his  dream of playing football internationally,  “He appreciates and thank the CEO Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited Dr Aniyi Williams Olarewaju who stood by him to actualize his dream and all those who stood by him. He also call on up coming talents like him to grab the opportunity to travel and play professional football by contacting Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited where is fully guaranteed from their trials to the signing of contract the will be guided as he is a living testimony of their good deeds.

Dr Aniyi Williams Olarewaju in  appreciation of the award given to him by  the organizers and for finding him worthy for the award said the award will spour him to do more and he called on all interested footballers who want to travel abroad to ply their trade to fill free to come to the office for all the necessary assistance and connection to play professionally as the company has a track record of assisting players to go to trials and to play football professionally in the country of their choice and they can also connect them with good club in Europe Dr Williams said this while responding to questions from journalists about Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited activities and programmes  and how they use to discover talents Dr Williams while sharing his experience on their activities said  basically they do travel around the local governments, villages down to the grassroots to discover talents according to him We’ve been to Pankshin, Barkin Ladi, hiepang and other villages around plateau.

   According to Dr Williams most times when we figure out there are some talents wasting out there we try as much as possible to bring them together, find out what they can do to benefit themselves, their parents and the society. So in that case, we all try our best to make sure that we bring the best out of them, he said the last couple of years they’ve been trying to travel abroad, to visit some clubs out there to negotiate some contracts with them. And they’ve also tried by sending a few players out there for trials and those players went and they convinced the scouts and the scouts who show the potentials in them signed them “and in that case we’re able to establish trust with them because we have the likes of Nansel  Selbon, who has traveled. He has been to United States, he has been to Croatia, he has played in Israel. So he’s one of our players. We have Achibong, who is also our player. We have Panshak, who has also traveled from Plateau state here to play professional football He has also been to Poland, he has played in Poland, he has played in Hungary. So he’s one of our players and they actually did excellently well over there. “So in that case, we’ve been able to establish a very solid relationship with those clubs outside there that is why whenever we bring players for trials they are always interested in them because they know we bring the best.

And also when asked about  assurance of the players  Dr Williams said they always make sure that before the departure here in Nigeria, there’s always an arrangement with clubs over there so that in way of making sure that there’s an offer for a player before leaving his country, because if there’s no offer, we don’t just take a player for a trial without a proper arrangement. So we make an arrangement with the club side over there before we take our player straight to the club and we always make sure there’s a hundred percent supervision from Nigeria down to the club over there this we do in Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited in order to ensure that none of our players are stranded outside the country and all our players were able to go for their trial and pass their trial and in case they are unable to meet up with the team, we take them to a lower division. So that’s how we make sure that we ensure that all our players were able to meet up with the football clubs over there in Europe this measures we take is to make sure they players at all cost gets a club to play while they improve for the first division clubs.  

   And  when it comes to contract signing Dr Williams said we  do guide them to sign the right contract so that they  know what the are going into. We always make sure that our legal team and everybody are in place to go to read through the agreements and contracts to avoid signing the wrong contact. And we  always make sure we interpret the agreements to them for them to have a proper understanding before endorsing any documents over there because it is our responsibility to guide them being our clients.

Dr Williams also said Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited are also engaged in other sporting activities such as  basketball, volleyball, snooker and some other sports, and they  also have plans to develop other talents apart from football on the plateau? he disclose plans by the company to gathered some youths for snooker, table tennis and volleyball activities which will take place  in the coming months where they would be having a tournament across the state to boost sporting activities, bringing up the youth to participate in snooker, table tennis and volleyball competition here on the  Plateau.

  Dr Williams speaks about Wilda’s Global Sport Limited  philanthropic nature as they are  into empowerment of people, Basically, most times when they take a look at some people, especially the local areas, they find out that there are a lot of people out there that are not buoyant financially to help players or the youth generally. But they try as much as possible to go there. They visit some villages donate some boots, donate some Jerseys,  wares. Then they  support in feeding just to make sure that the environment is okay and conducive enough for these youth  to actually bring out the potential in them.

  Dr Williams called on the government to partner with Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited as they will be willing and also surrender themselves to work with the people at the top in government and other sporting directors and team managers and they are always ready to assist them when it comes to traveling and getting a club and to ensure that they  bring in people like the youths, the talented ones and other people out there and to discover more talents and to give them opportunity to make sure that everything is okay and in place, and to make sure that the sport in the state is actually the best in the country, to also so  make sure to ensure that everything around the states is going on well in terms of football and other sporting activities. 

    Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited  would like to work with  plateau state government. And to ensure that anything that pertains travels, documents. And anything that pertains sporting activities in the state. Will be fully available to ensure that they make everything ready for them. And they will be glad to also work with the government.

You can contact Wilda’s Global And Sport Limited in Jos at choice plaza    last floor Rayfield zarmaganda Road Jos South Plateau state and you can reach them on the  following phone number +234 706 291 3603

Published by Peter Akpah

Peter Akpah a season investigative journalist, a Blogger and online reporter a social media commentator, social media influencer, The Publisher of Sourcenews.24 , This Platform Gets News And Verify The Facts, And In To Investigative Journalism. We promote peace, justice, and equity and a voice for the voiceless.

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