By Peter Akpah.

PLASIEC is repositioned for a  transparency electrical process assured citizens of their to be fair to all,  Chairman of the Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission (PLASIEC), Hon. Plangji Daniel Cishak, made this known to Bloggers during an interaction with PLASIEC, the chairman also reiterated the commission’s commitment to ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process for the upcoming local government elections, according to him the commission with their coming on board will do a total reform and engage critical stakeholders and their doors are open for suggestions that will restore the confidence of the electorates.

During a key meeting with the Plateau Bloggers and Online Media Association (PLABOMA), Hon. Chishak emphasized the critical role of the commission in managing a sensitive and significant democratic exercise. He outlined PLASIEC’s strategies to uphold global best practices in election management, underscoring the need for integrity and the responsible dissemination of information and engagement that will bring about transparency in all their proci. “We are here to bring excellence in electoral administration,” he stated, highlighting the commission’s focus on bridging legal and administrative gaps to ensure a seamless electoral process.

Hon. Chishak stressed the importance of engaging modern media platforms to promote transparency and build public trust. He called for constructive criticism and collaboration, inviting Newsmen to provide guidance and feedback. “You have the permission to correct us and criticize objectively,” he remarked, signaling a new era of openness and accountability in PLASIEC’s operations. This engagement with digital media marks a significant step towards ensuring that the local government elections are conducted with the highest standards of transparency and public confidence.

Hon. Chishak also reflected on the Commission’s broader objectives. He pointed out the necessity of cultivating a culture of electoral integrity, which involves a thorough assessment of existing legal and administrative frameworks. “We are taking time to assess what we have here, to see the gaps whether legal or administrative and how we can fill them,” he noted. This approach aims to reinforce PLASIEC’s capacity to manage elections effectively and uphold democratic values.

Furthermore, Hon. Chishak expressed gratitude for the trust placed in the Commission by the state’s leadership and reiterated his commitment to a transparent electoral process. “This is a very sensitive assignment,” he said, “and His Excellency, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang carefully selected the members of this commission to ensure we uphold the highest standards.” The collaborative efforts between PLASIEC and the media are expected to play a crucial role in maintaining transparency and integrity in the upcoming local government elections.

Mr. Pam Davou, Secretary of the commission, highlighted the commitment to excellence and transparency. “The Chairman and members, as you can see, are serious-minded people,” Mr. Davou stated, reinforcing the dedication and integrity of the current leadership team. He emphasized that the Commission is open to scrutiny and welcomes constructive feedback from newsmen. “You are free to call us to order where you think we are missing our steps,” he said, inviting the media to actively participate in monitoring and enhancing the electoral process.

Mr. Davou further stressed that the Commission values the advice and perspectives of newsmen, seeing them as crucial partners in achieving a transparent electoral system. “If you want the best out of the system, it will not be out of place for you to offer advice,” he noted.

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

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